Author Archives: Tyler Onbekend - Page 2
Easy Home Made Fruit Leather
Those dried, chewy strips of fruit found in the snack and health isle of your grocery store are an excellent replacement for candy bars but command a premium price. Ironic…
Binoculars, Understanding Features & Specifications and Selecting the Right Pair
Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, recreationalist, hunter or just a full/part resident of the outdoors one essential piece of gear that is often overlook are a good set of binoculars.…
Identifying Disaster Stress Reactions
Experiencing a disaster can be overwhelming. Even when one has avoided the numerous physical challenges and dangers of a disaster, the psychological threats are often harder to identify, evaluate and…
Hunting Season Around the Corner; Understanding & Appreciating Venison
Depending on your region and hunting technique, hunting season for deer and some other large game is just around the corner (a few weeks to a couple months). While I…
Not Just A Pretty Face; Harvesting and Processing Rose Hips
Roses can do more than grace our landscapes and floral designs. Like its cousins the apple, pear, peach and cherry, roses produce a fruit. Rose Hips are a valuable source…
Curing Meat The Old Fashioned Way for Seasonal Preservation
Curing was a widely used method of preserving meat before the days of refrigeration. Both Salt and Sugar (as well as combinations of both) have been used to cure meat…
Harnessing Well Water For A Free, Low-Tech Refrigeration Source
Many homesteaders and other people that choose to set up households in remote areas quickly realize that transmitted electricity is a premium resource, if not completely unavailable in some particularly…
Buy Land—They Ain’t Making Any More Of It; Government Real Estate Disposal Sales
The United States General Services Administration (GSA) is a federal agency responsible for promoting effective use of federal real property assets, as well as the disposal of real property that…