Tag archives for Preserving
Easy Home Made Fruit Leather
Those dried, chewy strips of fruit found in the snack and health isle of your grocery store are an excellent replacement for candy bars but command a premium price. Ironic…
Curing Meat The Old Fashioned Way for Seasonal Preservation
Curing was a widely used method of preserving meat before the days of refrigeration. Both Salt and Sugar (as well as combinations of both) have been used to cure meat…
Pemmican, Ancient Man’s Powerbar & Survival Rations
Preserving meat requires energy to be expended. Very simple concept. It is the method of using that energy that is of interest to us. The use of electrical energy via…
Dehydrated Hamburger “Rocks” for Long Term Meat Storage
This is a great way to store hamburger for long periods of time or as a portable hiking component of meals. Once prepared it only requires a cool, dry place…
Basic Survival Food Preparation & Cooking Techniques
You must know how to prepare fish and game for cooking and storage in a survival situation. Improper cleaning or storage can result in inedible fish or game. Fish Do…